"There's fire on the mountain... but no one is running" ~ Asa
Dreams are shattered, and there is hopelessness because our leaders do not seem to care beyond their own survival.
Times and again, we have tried new leaders, and again they fail us.
Many are clamouring "Divide! Divide!", another say "Return to military rule", yet there are those of us who still hope for a better "One Nigeria" truly united and living progressively with hope and love, not just in our national pledge, but in our realities.
Indeed, many have lost hope in the country, some have taken wrong paths in the hope of survival, thousands are perishing in the Atlantic and foreign territories because their own motherland is sinking.
Indeed, home is where love is, it is where hope is, but where do we call home when our motherland is filled with hopelessness, where there is thieving in low and high places, where corruption is righteousness, where evil triumph over good and even our religious leaders lead us astray.
Sometimes I wonder if our leaders have another country where they belong, they are destroying our home like it's not theirs too. Is it true? That in the beginning, there were the white men who came looting our resources to better their motherland. Nowadays it's our own leaders who keep looting our resources to give to the white men.
They fear that in the end, "what-will-be-will-be" as it has always been when all is rigged. Many vote, not character of the people but the party they belong, not ideologies, not because they are better leaders but better riggers so their vote is not wasted. Many do not vote because the good ones never made it through the primaries. Yet others are too scared to vote their choices because there are guns and machetes out there, even the police and military are not neutral.
This call is to Every Nigerian who still believes in Nigeria, who are, in their little space, fighting the good fight while surviving. We want your voices to be heard, we want everyone to know what you really want, we want to keep this hope alive.
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